The Life And Times

I'm a student from Saskatchwean with ALOT going on!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Keeping The Memories Alive

We love you Roseanna and we're all keeping you in our prayers!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sonforce Kids 007

The second week of July was by far the best part of my summer to date! West Portal Church had their VBS that week and I was super excited to get the chance to be a team leader. My group was called the Undercover Agents. The kids were SO much fun to be with. And I have to admit I was actually really excited to get to the church every evening so I could see the kids and be a part of their growing relationship with God. There were deffinately a few highlights of the week. The first being Tuesday when one of my kids came to the group and gave me a hug and said" I just became a christian!" I swear I almost started to cry I was super excited about that! Another highlight was the day we took all the VBS kids to Redberry Bible Camp for the day on Thurday. The bus driver got lost on the way there but otherwise it was a pretty good time. Let me just say that by the end of the week the kids didn't want to go home because they were having such a good time with their friends and hearing about God (which I was so happy to hear) but I didn't want the week to end becasue I didn't want to lose my kids! Las tweek didn't only afect the kids that attended but I don't think a single volunteer can say that they weren't affected in some way. i know for a fact that I've changed a little since then. I'm so happy I had the expierience and I will NEVER EVER forget last week. Now that the week is over I am so looking forward to next year!

i hope everyone had a great weekend and has a fantastic rest of the week!

Saturday, July 07, 2007


Last Night our family went to go see Mamma Mia!. It was such a great show and I really enjoyed it. The musical is about a girl who invited her three possible dads to her wedding to try and figure out which of them really is her dad. And all the songs in the musical are by the band ABBA. This is one of those things where I'm gonna say that if you ever have the chance to see the musical, Do IT! because you will have a great time!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


So The last couple weeks have ben a little diferent. I have been working quite a bit at the Barn Playhouse which is litteraly a barn where they host various functions and every season they have a play. I have been working in the craft barn the last couple weeks which has been pretty good, and i've made some new friends... the 2 mice that roam the floors in the barn. I swear one of them gave a a miald heart attack the first day I was working! But after a while believe it or not I got used to them beong around.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Kinda Boring Week...

So this week was a litle boring. Not alot has been going on accept fot the fact that I turned 14!!!, FINISHED JUNIOR HIGH, my sister got her long awaited drivers licence, and my sister turned 16, and today is Canada day. But like i said, not much is going on. These next couple weeks are going to be a little busy but thats ok given as how ot much will be going on during summer. My family got tickets to see MAMMA MIA this week, then next week I'll get to be a team leader for Vacation Bible School at West Portal wich i'm really looking forward too, and I have a volleyball training camp at the end of July at the University Of Saskatchewan. At least on the bright side I'll have lots to post about over the next little while!
I Hope Everyone has a great Canada Day[I'll be working :(]but I hope you all enjoy yourselves!