The Life And Times

I'm a student from Saskatchwean with ALOT going on!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

waiting,weekends,and musicals?

Well, Well, Well it's once again that time of year. On Monday morning we will hit the 2 month waiting pieriod until the last day of school. Some days it seems like forever but other days it seems like we just started school last week!

I am very excited for these last couple weks becasue lots will be going on. for instance, on wednesday my classs went to see the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical "Evita" it was really good!

The last two days i've been busy at school. The student council has planned to have an around the world week this week so i've been busy making decorations and posters and finding costumes and so on. the good news is, this week I'll be visiting Greece, Asia, the Caribbean,Spain,and i'll be in Canada! Thats exciting!

By now i'm sure you''re wondering what the musical part of my post title is, well all the grade 8's are putting on a musica at the end of May. It's called Disco knights. It's set in the 70's and yours truly is the student director! I'm super excited about it. I'll let you all know more in a bit.

The final part of my post is the weekend. We got a long weekend this week so I decided that what better way to kick off the weekend but with another round of games night. It was tons of fun as usual. So now you all know whats going on with me and i'm going to end this post off with some lovely visuals of my last couple weeks.