The Life And Times

I'm a student from Saskatchwean with ALOT going on!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


This is a view from the garage

Ladies and Gents this is Kaitlyn reporting to you live in the middle of day 2 of the Warman Snow Day!! I have to tell you everybody, this is exciting for me because I have never had a snow day. The only kicker about this, is that it's too cold to actually play in the snow. I have also discovred that I am diffictent in staying in a house all day. I can't stand it. There is so much fun waiting like three steps away, But I can't play with it! It sucks. But at least we got 2 days off of school becasue of it.

This is the view from our office.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Still Here!

Ok, so I haven't updated in a while... what are you gonna do? sue me?? Anyways, Alot has been happening. We started school again on January 3rd. This was good news for me because I have alot of big projects due and not alot of time to finish them.

In other news... very little has been happening around here. Basicaly the biggest thrill this week was the snow we got. Yay us more snow.

So thats about it. Just updating to let everyone know I'm that Kaitlyn is still happy, healthy and busy!