The Life And Times

I'm a student from Saskatchwean with ALOT going on!

Monday, June 30, 2008

One More Sleep!

it still amazes me that school is finally finished for the summer and we now have 2 whole months of freedome before we are doomed to return to the classrooms for another grueling year of learning. What also amazes me is that after months of planning and waiting July first comes tomorrow and a whole month in Eurpoe begins! I can not wait to get to London and start our trip.
I'm excited about seeing the rest of our Siemens family too. It's been a while so it will be nice to catch up and see everyone.
It would be great if I could get a post in while we're gone but if not have a great first month of summer all and I'll be sure to post an endless amount of pictures ASAP!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

And We're Done!

Woo-Hoo! Another year finished. Tuesday was the last day of exams and i think i did fine on the final, yesterday and tonight are grads (congrats to both Bryan and Miranda!!) And now that I'm done school for the next two months I can fully focus on working for a few days and then start to get excited about our vacation starting on the first!

Friday, June 20, 2008

A Weight Is Lifted... Almost

Updating the blog at 1:30 in the afternoon on a weekday in June can only mean one thing... We have FINALLY finished classes. Not to be confused with the conclusion of exams ( that's on Tuesday) but classes are done for the year and now it's time to rack our brain for a week, buckle down and study madly for finals hoping to ace them and finish the grade. This year I am writing math as my final. In some magically fantastic way, I managed to accumulate credits in all my classes except for one. Which means instead of writing the usual two finals I'm writing one! It's quite exciting and all week i've been hanging out trying to procrastinate until Monday until I really have to study.
Anyway, I'll finish up this post with a few pictures from the last couple weeks.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Birthdays!

So instead of finding time during a caotic week to write two blog entrys I figured I would quickly post one now just for Mom and Dad. Both of them had their birthdays this week. Mom was on Sunday June 8 and Dad turns the big 4-0 today!!!! On Sunday we took mom out to East Side Mario's for lunch after church. I'm not sure what the plan for today is becasue it's the middle of the week so i'm not sure if we will be eating out?

Anyways I figured i would quickly wish a happy birthday to both parentals! Love you both. Happy birthdays!!!!!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Relay For Life 2008

Last weekend was the Relay for life. It's an anual event that's held a Diefenbaker park in Saskatoon. It's held to raise money for the canadian cancer society. I went with my school last year but this year the Loewen Family decided to make a team (all thanks to Aunt Betty!) The goal of the relay is to have at least 2 people from your team on the track at all times walking or running. Most people try and stay up for the ENTIRE 12 hours.