The Life And Times

I'm a student from Saskatchwean with ALOT going on!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


So i've been getting complaints from some blog fans that I haven't been doing my job and updating as often as I should. So here I am updating for all the fans eagerly antisipating this post. I'm sorry if this post jumps from one events to another but i now know what happens when you abandon your blog for long periods of time.

I guess I sould go back as far as February. So after my last post, the first big event was valentine's day which was a pretty good time. as you can see from the photo all my friends got flowers so we decided to take a group photo.

So for February break, my mom took me and Karisa to minniapolis to do some serious shopping at the Mall of America. It was really fun but it was a long time to be shopping in my opinion, but I did find some really good deals.

Just some snapshots of the Mall Of America Lego Land and Amusement Park.

We recently bought a Wii and guitar hero. My dad and sister have been going a little Guitar Hero crazy so i figured i should post some pictures so that you too can expierience the chaos. I hope thats a specific enough post for you guys. I'll keep in touch!