The Life And Times

I'm a student from Saskatchwean with ALOT going on!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Hero Holiday

When I was in Nipawin at the SLC confrence I hear a lecture all about this group called Absolute. They are an organization that talks to teens about everyday stuff we deal with in life. They talked about this "trip" they take every year. It's called Hero Holiday. What this is, is it's a 10 day trip to the Dominican Republic to help build houses and safe drinking water lines and stuff like that. I decided that this would be an AMAZING oppritunity for me so after talking tothe parents and getting the OK I downloaded and application. The cost of the trip is $2100 . And so that means I have some MAJOR work to do! The other thing is I have to make sure i am the right age to apply. On the website they stated that you have to be 14 years old to go on the trip. They also said you have to be 14 years old to apply. So i just have to clarifyif i an old enough to apply. If i'm not I will DEFINATELY be applying next year. Hopefully all goes well and i can take the trip! I'll be sure to keep you updated!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Sports And Recreation

Yesterday( September 21) Was A very exciting day for me. Only because yesterday was my first volleyball game. It may not be very exciting for many of you but being that volleyball is my all time favorite sport for very specific reasons like its a non contact sport (so i can't get hurt!) , and I'm actualy good at it! I also have to say that I was the player who scored the winning point for Warman High School's Jr. girls volleyball team. I'm hoping that our team can do alot better than last year and hopefuly make it to the provincial championships. We have a tournament in the middle of October so i'm very excited for that. On another note, I have started up violin lessons again and those are going well as usual. I'm looking forward to this year of different activities for myself. I hope all goes well!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Confrence Crazy

Today at about 6:00pm our bus returned home from Nipawin SK from the Student Leadership Confrence 2006. We Arrived at L.P Miller High School on Wednesday Night at about 4:30pm. We Started off the two and a half day confrence with a grafitti night. When you first arrived at the school you recieved a duffel bag full of coupons and brochures and things and a Tshirt.The Point of grafitti night was to go around to different students from different schools and get them to sign your Tshirt as a way to meet different people. After we finished Grafitting we were called to the gymnaysium for a magic show. The show ws really entertaining. After the show we stayed in our seats to watch a hypnotist show, which was HYSTERICAL. That was a great way to kick off the confrence. Day two of the confrence started off with a keynote speaker. His name was Phil. He talked al about different activities that you can do around your school to make it a better place to be. After that speaker we listened to another speaker her name was Georgette Reed. She was an Olympic Medalist. Then after lunch we listened to another speaker. His name was Ian Tyson( not the country singer!) He was really funny. That night we had a big Banquet and a dance. Everyone dressed up in clothes from decades gone by. I dressed up from the 80's. It was alot of fun! All in all the few day we had in Nipawin were alot of fun and i can't wait till next year when Warman High School Hosts the confrence!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Back To Basics

Today was West Portal Churches first youth Sunday School of the year and i just had to say, I'm pritty excited to start youth again. It's always amazes me that God does things that are unbelievable. Hopefully all goes well with the year and we can learn and connect with God in amazing ways!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Well today was day 3 of our new school year and so far it's going ok. The school still isn't quite done but thats ok. On september 5th my parents had their 19th wedding anniversary. They had a great day. The 2 of them both had to work that day which kinda sucked but after they got home they went for supper just the 2 of them which was nice. Yesterday was my grandma Siemens birthday and so mom took her for lunch durring the day then i went along with the 2 of them for supper at the berry barn. so all in all i think all the celebrating of the week went quite well! I have 1 more thing I would like to share with the blogger crew! Today I found out that I was chosen from our school's Student Representitive Counsil (SRC) To go to a Studend Leadership Confrence in Nipowin Next week from Wednesday Afternoon to Friday night. We are going to be listening to different seminars about hings that we can do for our school and things like that. We also have a dance one night for all 1200 students attending this confrence. So i hope it will be a learning an a fun few days for our school. I hope we get there safe and have a great week!

Monday, September 04, 2006

New Happenings

Today Is Monday September 4th. Tomorrow on the 5th alot will be happening in this the Loewen household. Tomorrow is not only the first day of school for us in Warman , but it is also the 19th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Loewen (my parents). And I am happy to say they are both very excited and are still verry happy. Tomorrow being their anniversary , that means the next day will be the 67th birthday of my grandma Siemens and the 14th birthday of my cousin Kelsey Siemens. So as you can tell this will be a rather busy week for the Loewens and Siemens. I'll be sure to tell you how everything goes.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Cats and Dogs

Last Week at our Loewen BBQ Jeff was telling all us Loewens about how he was trying to be more respectful in church by not laughing as loud as he normaly does (which is quite loud!). And to give us an example of how difficult it is for him to do this, he compared himself to a person trying to teach a cat to bark. And so we wanted to see if a cat could bark. And if a cat could bark, we would know that Jeff could be quiet in church. We knew 1 person that would try to teach a cat to bark, and that was my younger cousin Jenna. Yesterday at our "party" Jenna anounced that she had attempted to teach her cat to bark. And apparently it was an unsuccesful attempt. She said that she barked to let her cat hear the sound it was supposed to make, but it just " sat there and looked at me!"

Thanks for trying Jenna!

Early Morning Riser

As Most of you know I have been doing my own paper route for the last 4 months. And I am happy to say it is going quite well. But i do have to say that every once in a while I feel like pushing the sleeper button on my alarm clock. I just keep thinking about the paycheck i get at the end of every month! But I guess you have to sacrifice certain things to make some money!