The Life And Times

I'm a student from Saskatchwean with ALOT going on!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Choices And Options!

So as you all know i have been doing a paper route for what seems like forever and I am glad to announce that after months of deliberating, I have decided to quit the route. This may not excite any of you but for me, this is like Christmas. So I have thout of an alternate to the route and I have decided that I am going to try and get a job at the Barn Playhouse. For those of you who don't know, the Barn Playhouse is basicaly a remodled barn the serves as a place for people to host different events like weddings, banquets, and such which. It also serves as a place for pereforming plays. If I were to get a job there I would be either working in the craft barn behind the till, or I could be clearing plates in the kitchen when there is a dinner event happening or I could be seating guests or clearing and setting dishes at dinner events. This job would be a million times better than the paper route because i would work up to about 5 hours a day and for minimum wage. I would only work a couple days a month which leaves lots of opperitunities for babysitting, and friends and other stuff. So i'm hoping to get a job, but if not, well then I will think of something else. I'll let you now the results!


Blogger Yvonne said...

Hey Kaitlyn!
Congrats on quitting the paper route - have you heard anything from the Barn Playhouse yet? How did your volleyball game go in Waldheim? Hope you're having a good day and I'll talk to you later!

11:30 AM  
Blogger Nathan & Rosanna Toews said...

But you had the coolest cart... and vest thing.
Love you lots!

5:13 PM  

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